Several months ago, I joined the GeekPack Collective, a paid online community and learning platform designed to empower women to acquire, refine and advance their skills in the world of tech. Their mission and method have been a perfect fit for my desire to stay current with tech trends and to continuously learn skills that will benefit me and my clients.
I love the way they've structured the program. Each month, there is a focus on a different tech topic. Recent topics have been Google Business Profiles, Domain Authentication and Email Deliverability, Automations, Standard Operating Procedures for Business Owners, and Cybersecurity. Throughout the month, information is provided through a mix of short readings, training videos, discussions, and resources. The commitment is between 1-1.5 hours per week, but the content is delivered so comprehensively that I feel like I have a great understanding of the topic by the end of the month.
In addition to the structured monthly learning, members of the GeekPack Collective receive a free subscription to Udemy Business, which offers over 25,000 courses on tech, business, and leadership. This allows me to take a deep dive on any tech topic I want to learn about. To take it even a step further, the GeekPack Collective has curated a collection of recommended courses within Udemy, so that I never have to wonder which course to choose, or waste time on a course that's a dud.
The GeekPack Collective has been a wonderful investment, and I'm pleased that my clients are able to benefit from the skills I'm learning.